June 20, 2022

iProov, the world leader in biometric face authentication technology, has launched a new Documentation Center for customers and partners. The Documentation Center enables organizations to implement iProov’s liveness technologies as quickly as possible. Access to technical documentation is provided in six sections:

  • Overview: Introduces our products and explains how iProov technology works.
  • Get Started: Provides links to our release notes and advice about how to get support.
  • Implementation Guide: Contains detailed information to help you implement our technology in your user journeys. We recommend that you use this guide as your primary reference.
  • SDK Reference: Provides a link to our documentation on GitHub.
  • API Reference: Provides a link to our documentation on iPortal and contains an API glossary.
  • Glossary: Defines most of the terms that you will find in our technical documentation, allowing you to quickly understand iProov and wider biometric industry terms from A-Z.

You can also use the search function to quickly and easily locate any specific information you need.  The new iProov Documentation Center is intended primarily for developers and technology professionals.  Access the Documentation Center here.