Unlocking Financial Inclusion With Digital Identity and Biometric Verification
Over 850 million people globally have no form of legal identification. Without ID, people are unable to partake in society fully. They struggle to vote, access public benefits, and find employment. In lacking ID, they are also excluded from financial services, unable to make secure online payments, open bank accounts, and take out loans.
To solve this issue, governments are working to create digital identity programs. These initiatives promise to provide a secure, convenient digital alternative for individuals to assert their identity and open essential pathways for the unbanked and disenfranchised to access financial and welfare services.
The challenge for these programs is to deliver equality and inclusivity while at the same time mitigating the risk of fraud and cybercrime. Without resilient identity verification at the point of onboarding, digital IDs have the potential to be misused for fraud, money laundering, and other illicit activities throughout the customer lifecycle.
Unlocking Financial Inclusion With Digital Identity and Accessible Biometrics examines how secure, accessible face biometrics incorporating liveness detection can help digital ID programs be widely adopted, highly usable, and secure.
Download the report to understand:
- The benefits of digital identities to governments, organizations, and individuals
- How digital identities can unlock inclusion for traditionally unbanked and disenfranchised groups
- Why resilient biometric face verification is needed to prevent digital identity technology from being misused for crime
- The evolving threat landscape and the technology needed to prevent future threat vectors
- Why biometric face verification must mitigate bias to deliver accessibility and inclusivity.